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Friday, 25 October 2013

Choosing - nCr - Conditional Probability

1. How can we 'choose' without a calculator?!?

2. Where is it used in Mathematics?

3. Here is an example that uses dice!

4. Sample Leaving Cert Higher Level problem.


5. Sample Junior Cert Higher Level exam question.



Thursday, 24 October 2013

Probability - Tree Diagrams

1. What are they? 2. How are they used? 3. Sample Problem 4. A slightly more difficult problem.


LC Ordinary Level - Composite Functions

Hi folks. Watch this clip to get you started with tonight's homework.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Tuesday, 22 October 2013

Permutations and Combinations

Here you will find an introduction to permutations and combinations. 

Here is a sample problem

And one from the 2012 Leaving Cert!



Prime Numbers

What is a prime number?

How can we find out if a number is prime?

What are prime numbers used for?



Monday, 21 October 2013

Problem Solving - Puzzle 5

Can you solve it?


Mr. Sweeney.


Here is an introduction to basic factorials. They are used a lot in the Probability and Statistics area of your course!

Here we see how to work with factorials.

Here are a few more difficult questions.


Mr. Sweeney.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Problem Solving - Puzzle 4

Try to figure out some of these brain melters!

Q. What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

Q. What has a thumb and four fingers but is not alive?

Q. What has to be broken before you can use it?

Q. What has a neck but no head?

Q. What gets wetter as it dries?

Q. What goes up and doesn’t come back down?

Q. What belongs to you but is used more by others?

Q. Everyone has it and no one can lose it, what is it?

Q. It's been around for millions of years, but it's no more than a month old. What is it?

Q. What is the easiest way to double your money?


Mr. Sweeney.

Solving Logarithmic Equations

This post is aimed at Leaving Certificate Higher Level students.



Mr. Sweeney.

Algebra - Long Division 2

1. Get some practice on long division by clicking here.

2. Study a worked out solution to a past examination question below!

3. Study another one here.
Mr. Sweeney.

Differentiation Assessment - Leaving Cert Higher Level

Here is the solution sheet to today's exam.


Mr. Sweeney.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Problem Solving - Puzzle 3

Please click here to enter an animated version of this famous riddle about a wolf, a sheep and a cabbage!


Mr. Sweeney

Simple Index Equations

A good example of getting started with index equations!


Here is another one for the Leaving Cert Higher Level gang!

Enjoy. Mr. Sweeney

1st Year Maths - Fundamental Principle of Counting

Maths Week Ireland

The 8th annual Maths Week Ireland is an all island celebration of Mathematics. It runs from the 12th  to 20th October 2013. Please click here to for more information.


Here you will find many lessons on nets. Nets are 2D flattened versions of 3D objects often used to find the surface area. They are also done in technical drawing - they are just called developments!

Here is a basic definition of a net:

Here is one of the most difficult nets to construct, the net of a cone!


Mr. Sweeney.

Wednesday, 16 October 2013


Have a look at this video that 'Mathsfest' have put together on functions!


Mr. Sweeney


This video is well worth a look for the maximum and minimum type exam questions.
Mr. Sweeney.

Monday, 14 October 2013

Friday, 11 October 2013

LC Ordinary Level - Sine Rule(3)

Check out this clip to help you get started with the weekend homework.

Thursday, 10 October 2013


Have a go at the following tasks to increase your understanding of logarithms!

1. What is a logarithm? 
Find out by clicking here!

2. This video explains how we work with logarithms in more detail.

3. Get some practice of basic logarithm problems by clicking here!


Mr. Sweeney.

Financial Maths - Depreciation

This video outlines the concept of depreciation.


Mr. Sweeney.

Monday, 7 October 2013

Financial Maths - Worksheet

This post is aimed at Leaving Cert Higher Level students.

Please download  two additional worksheets by clicking here and here.


Forming Quadratic Equations Given The Roots

You will find a video below detailed the steps required when forming a quadratic equation.

Further information on quadratic equations can be found here. Enjoy.

Absolute Value

This post is aimed at Leaving Certificate Higher Level students.

1. What is the absolute value?

Click here for the answer.

2. How do we use the absolute value?

3. Where can I practice some of these questions?

By clicking here.


Friday, 4 October 2013

Problem Solving - Puzzle 2

A Mixed-up Clock

There is a clock-face where the numbers have become all mixed up. Can you find out where all the numbers have got to from the ten statements below?
Here is a clock-face with letters to mark the position of the numbers so that the statements are easier to read and to follow.

1.  No even number is between two odd numbers.
2.  No consecutive numbers are next to each other.
3.  The numbers on the vertical axis (a) and (g) add to 13.
4.  The numbers on the horizontal axis (d) and (j) also add to 13.
5.  The first set of 6 numbers [(a) - (f)] add to the same total as the second set of 6 numbers [(g) - (l)] .
6.  The number at position (f) is in the correct position on the clock-face.
7.  The number at position (d) is double the number at position (h).
8.  There is a difference of 6 between the number at position (g) and the number preceding it (f).
9.  The number at position (l) is twice the top number (a), one third of the number at position (d) and half of the number at position (e).
10.               The number at position (d) is 4 times one of the numbers adjacent (next) to it.

Differentiation - Rates of Change

This post is aimed at Leaving Cert Higher Level students.


Thursday, 3 October 2013

Discriminant of Quadratic Equations

This post is aimed at Leaving Cert Higher Level students. Enjoy.

Equations Involving Algebraic Fractions

Here are some videos based around solving quadratic fraction equations.

You can find some other worked examples by clicking here.


Solving Rational Inequalities

This post is aimed at Leaving Cert Higher Level students. These videos will help you with solving rational inequalities.

You can find further information by clicking here.


Factorising Quadratic Equations - Using the Quadratic Formula

Please watch this video to revise how to solve quadratic equations using the quadratic formula.

You can perfect using the quadratic formula by clicking here.


Factorising Quadratic Equations - Using The Guide/Magic Number

Please follow the methods used in these two videos when factorising quadratic equations.

Click here to practice some quadratics!


Calculus - Differentiation - Logarithmic Differentiation

This post is for Leaving Certificate Higher Level Students.

Please click here to access worked solutions on past examination questions.

Calculus - Differentiation - Differentiating the Exponential Function

This should help out some of the Leaving Cert Higher Level students when differentiating the exponential function.

Algebra - Linear Inequalites

Please click here to access animations on basic linear inequalities for Junior Cert.

Algebra - Long Division

Examples for Junior Cert Higher Level and Leaving Cert (All Levels)